The loss of reading vision as we age is a condition known as presbyopia, and it eventually affects everyone, even those who have had perfect vision their whole lives. This vision change, which typically begins in your 40s, occurs because of changes to the eye’s lens, which begin to stiffen as we age. This makes it more difficult for the lens to adjust focus from objects far away to those close up.
Reading glasses often become necessary for everyday tasks as presbyopia progresses, but readers are not the only option. Corneal inlay surgery is now available at Berkeley Eye Center to correct presbyopia vision impairment and allow you to see up close again without the hassle of reading glasses!
In this blog post, you’ll find answers to many common questions about our KAMRA corneal inlay treatment for presbyopia.
What is KAMRA corneal inlay and how does it work?
KAMRA corneal inlay is a disc-shaped ring with an opening at its center. This ring is inserted into the cornea of the patient’s non-dominant eye. The dominant eye remains exactly as it is. This 3.8mm disc implant creates a pinhole effect in the eye that increases your depth of focus to allow you to see objects up close while still keeping your distance vision.
How is this presbyopia surgery different from monovision LASIK?
KAMRA corneal inlay is a different presbyopia surgery than monovision LASIK. In monovision LASIK, one eye is corrected for distance vision and the other eye for near vision. This way, the eyes work together to see both near and far. The KAMRA corneal inlay is implanted in the non-dominant eye to correct near vision, and the dominant eye is left untouched, leaving the patient’s distance vision as it was prior surgery.
How long does it last?
This form of presbyopia surgery is a long-term solution to near vision problems. As long as your eyes don’t change, the KAMRA corneal inlay will provide the same level of correction in 10 years and beyond as it does when it’s implanted. If your underlying prescription progresses further or cataracts develop, then an enhancement such as LASIK or cataract surgery may be advised.
Will I feel it in my eye?
No. In this presbyopia surgery, the inlay is placed in the top layers of the cornea so the patient does not feel it.
Will my peripheral vision decrease?
No, this procedure will not affect peripheral (side) vision.
Can it be removed?
Yes. While the procedure has been proven safe and effective at treating presbyopia, the inlay can be safely removed later if the patient wishes it to have it removed.
How is the inlay placed in the eye?
A small pocket is created in the cornea using a laser, using the same technology employed in LASIK surgery. The KAMRA inlay is placed inside this pocket in the cornea.
What are the side effects?
The most common side effects reported are dry eyes and/or changes in night vision, such as halos and glare. These are the same most common side effects with both LASIK surgery and PRK.
Does it hurt?
While you may feel some pressure during the surgery when the pocket is created, numbing drops used in the eye ensure that the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure.
How soon will I see improvement?
Each patient’s recovery is a little different. With the KAMRA corneal inlay, patients typically notice an improvement in their near vision after the first week, and will continue to see gradual improvements over the next few months after surgery. The amount and pace of near vision improvement varies by patient.
Will I still need reading glasses after presbyopia surgery?
The KAMRA inlay procedure is the best long-term option for reducing your dependence on reading glasses. However, it may not completely eliminate the need for readers in all circumstances. Magnification may be needed still when working in dim lighting or when up close tasks are performed for extended periods of time.
What should I do if I’m interested in presbyopia surgery in Houston?
If you want to learn more about KAMRA inlay or find out if you’re a candidate, call 713-526-3937 today to schedule a consultation with the Houston presbyopia surgeons at Berkeley Eye Center!